Saturday, May 26, 2007

Nothing much to say

I don't really have much to talk about today, but got a moment when the humans were off the computer so I could post.

I found my humans camera. She apparently went to the park without me. I overheard her saying something about geese and ducks and I nearly passed out. Why wasn't I there to chase them? Um hello, I like large running scared birds too.

Anyway, here are a couple of pictures I found in her camera. Hopefully next time she decides to play with feathery friends at the park, I get to go too.


H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Wow! That is really unfair!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Turbo! That is very unfair that your human played with geese and ducks and you were not invited along!!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh there's so many duckies there...

~ girl girl

Khady Lynn said...

Shame on them for not taking you to chase those birds! That is very selfish of them! Duck is one of my favorites, and Sam especially likes duck, since it's one of the few things he can actually eat!


Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

That is completely rude of your mom. Does she not love you at all?!?


Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Shermie said...

That is so unfair! All those birdies loose and easy to chase and you didn't get to go?? Someone needs to talk to your humans!

Roxie, Sammy & Andy