Happy Thanksgiving to all (humes included).
My humom says that Thanksgiving Day is a day to be thankful for the things you have in life. I'm not sure if that means I'm sposed to be thankful for the toys I have or the warm bed I getta sleep in. I'm going to go with the latter.
I'm thankful for the nummy food I get every day. I'm thankful for the cold fresh water I get to drink and for the doggie door that leads me out into my back yard where I get to play anytime that I want. I'm thankful for always having the option to come back into the house when I want to (unlike when I was out running loose).
I'm thankful for the pool I get to play in when it's hot outside and the vents I get to lay on when I'm hot (they blow out cold air).
I'm thankful for Smokey who I get to play with and love very much.
I'm thankful for Holly's mom, because without her, I could be on Rainbow Bridge.
Most of all, I'm thankful for the faces I get to lick at home. I'm thankful for the hugs I get, the love I get, and the love I get to give.
What are all of you thankful for?
Saturday Sharing
17 minutes ago