Kelsey slept most of the night, only getting up once to get comfortable. Today has been rainy and stormy, a perfect day for resting and healing.
Earlier, I got down on the floor beside his bed where he was resting and just stared at him. I pray that the entire tumor and that the awful cancer is gone. I just can't stand the thought of having to take him back to Colorado and having to leave him there for radiation. I think that would probably be so hard on both of us.
I have been reading a book that the Colorado hospital gave me called "What Now?". It was in my oncology packet. It has some really great information in it about how to deal with a pet that has cancer and what kind of emotions the owner might feel. I thought I was just an emotional mess because I'm an emotional mess, but turns out I was and am feeling the things that everyone feels when their beloved pet has cancer.
Typing this blog has been a great release for me. I know that here I can type out all of my fears and can really just pour my heart out and everyone reading will understand how I feel because you all love your pets as much as I do.
I read somewhere that one in ten pets will be diagnosed with cancer. I had no idea that the numbers were that high. I had no idea that we would be the one in ten.
Anyway, I will close by telling you all that Kelsey had a great day and he was actually a bit playful earlier. I have had a hard time with getting him to eat and bought some organic turkey, sweet potato, and pea moist food for him and literally had to feed him out of my fingers (it was the only way to get his meds in him and with all he's been through, I didn't want to shove them down his throat). He's going to the bathroom on his own, which was one of the concerns.
I think we're going to be ok. I hope so anyway. I will go to bed and say my prayers for his health to be ok and for us to have many more years together.
Love you all,
Saturday Sharing
11 hours ago