Saturday, December 16, 2006

Not much to talk about, but here's some pics

Here's me and Smokey hogging the bed. Needless to say, mom went downstairs and slept in the chair this night. We would have moved, really.

Here's me sleeping like I saw it done by Monty at Holly's House (if memory serves me). It's comfortable and I like it. Thanks for the tip!

Here I am with mom's post operative foot. See how sweet I'm being?

Smokey still thinks he's a lap dog. Oh yeah, I am the designer of those pants dad has on. I thought the giant hole would be a nice touch, so I tore them with my teeth one day...while dad was in them. teehee

Ok, last but not least, here are the newest tries at being pathetic. I hope that we've made Sam proud. It's a lot of work being this pathetic.

Hope you all enjoyed our newest pictures.

Hugs and drool,
Kel and Smokey

Uh oh, we've been tagged.....

Ok, here are the things I wish for on Christmas....

1. A delicious plate of Christmas dinner
2. A delicious plate of Christmas dessert
3. Happiness and peace for all my furry friends (I know, I'm a sap)

Three things I don't want? That's easy...
1. Dry dog food for Christmas dinner and/or dessert
2. Warm weather ...... YUCK. (Bring on the SNOW)
3. Sadness, hunger, illness, or anything else bad for any of my furry friends (still sappy, sorry)

The Rules:The player of this game starts with "3 things he/she would love to get for Christmas", and then lists "3 things he/she definitely does not want to get for Christmas." Then, he/she tags 5 friends and lists their names. The ones who get tagged need to write on their blogs about their Christmas wishes, as well as state this rule clearly, then tag 5 more victims. And, the one who tags, needs to leave a comment that says, "You've been Christmas tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

Ok, I will tag the following: Dusty Doodles, Turbo, FuFu, Opy, and last but not least, Macy and Maleachai.
Happy Howlidays to all!

Kel and Smokey