Hello everyone! I don't know if your humes have had the box with the people in it on lately, but mine have and there's a man inside that said something about snow in a place called Colorado. He said there was a lot of snow--something like 3 feet (which makes me curious about the shoes they're wearin with only 3 feet).
Anyway, I want to go there NOW!
Can you imagine the drifts of snow we could pounce in and the tall piles of it to dig in? I'm a husky dog and we husky dogs LOVE our snow. We love the way it smells, feels, tastes, looks, crunches under our toes, EVERYTHING!
I wonder if that much snow will come to Nebraska. I'm sure my mom and dad wouldn't like it, but Smokey and I would LOVE it.
Watch the box with the people in it and see what he says about snow coming to your area. It's a very exciting time when that happens!
SkEYEday FrEYEday
22 hours ago
Spare a thought for us doggies down under in Australia - we are coming into summer now - and I think it's gonna be a hot one ! Can we trade some heat for snow ?
I'll steal the new huskymobile tonight when my Human is sleeping and drive over and pick you up. I'll get Maverick and whichever D'Azulians are still home. Then we can get the Ao4. Then we can go to Colorado for the snow!
Ok, I want to go to Colorado too. Turbo, can you pick me up too? I'm in Omaha with Kelsey, so what's a few more? Sam, Monty and Abby will want to come too, cuz they like the snow. Kona is too prissy so he can stay home.
Yes. It's a big huskymobile, so there is plenty of room for everyone!
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